Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to organize your coupons!!!

This is NOT me, sorry I'm not that pretty, but this is almost the exact way I do mine!!! It's worth watching if you are needing some help!!

Towards the end, where she has a baby and pet section...I have a BABY section and a separate Pet section.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Where to start!?!

Ok, so many people have been asking did you get that, how did you do that. I want to help people get started "couponing". I'm sure I will miss something, so just bare with me.
Now before I get started, I want to let everyone know. This takes time...LOTS of time. Patience, effort, etc.!

OK, so the first question.. How do you find these deals? Most of the time, I read them from sites, things I have "liked" on face book (ALL of those are listed on my previous post/blog... Found HERE  )Like those sites on face book (and yes it will fill up your news feed, but it's worth it!) There is a lot of "deals" that just don't seem like a deal, or is things your aren't interested in. But they post everything in order to allow everyone find the deal that's right for them.  Now, some deals I find on my own, maybe I saw a coupon the other day, then I see that item on sale, and do the math, and BAM..I got me a good deal =)  Once you pay a certain price for something, and you get it super cheap or free, then you see it on sale later, and one of your friends are like...oh what a good deal... but you just won't think it is, b/c you already know that you can get it for VERY cheap or even maybe free. Once your into this "couponing" stuff, you'll know!! You'll get used to what the prices are a different stores and you'll be able to spot deals..REALLY good deals. {one prime example....I got a raincheck for Purex laundry detergent a while back...*I'll explain more about rain check later...and most NEVER expire* SOOO I had the Purex raincheck for 2 for $6   and a couple months later, I got coupons for $3 off purex. So...that made it FREE!!!! (to get a lil more technical... I also had a 5 off 25 for that store, so I got $5 worth of ANYTHING I wanted FREE also) =)  HERE and HERE is the link to the pics from those shopping trips.} OK...moving on... you can also find deals in the store fliers, just look at whats on sale, and see if you can find a coupon for it. Harris Teeter is where you will find most of your free items. Go HERE to see what is on special at a lot of the popular stores, Harris Teeter is on there too, just click on the tabs at the top, then click on the dates you want to see the specials for. IF you see an item you want a coupon for go HERE and search for takes a lil bit to get used to it, but don't type the whole word in (for example if your looking for purex, type in pur and you should see it on the list, I've found if I type the whole word in, sometimes it takes the coupon away, and it looks like there isn't any, even tho there is)

Now, I think I've got ahead of myself.... How do you get/find coupons?
Ok, You can get coupons from ANYWHERE... on the outside of products, in the sunday papers, in the mail (from signing up with websites) you can print them online.  There is a lot of people who get their coupons by "dumpster" diving... I'm sorry but I don't need a coupon bad enough to dig through trash (it would have to be a REALLY good one..LOL) *and I say "dumpster diving" but it's people that go to the local recycling center and dig through the newspapers... or at an apartment building, duplex, etc. maybe a trash can a work, pretty much anywhere a coupon might be)  Now when you print coupons online, normally you can only print off 2 per a computer. and you have to go back or refresh to get the two.  So if you have friends or family with a computer, ask them to print them off for you (you can send them the link to the coupon on face book or email, so they don't have to find it..sometimes it's easy to loose a coupon..the world wide web is ENDLESS!!!  SOMETIMES you get lucky and find a coupon that is in a PDF file...which means that you can print it as many times as you want. Which is a GOOD thing =)  Now, I personally have took the coupons off the outside of packages, and not used them that day. (not saying for you to, it's up to you) but If I know that next week there going to have a sale on that product, then I'll take the coupon and use it next week. If you want coupons for a particular product, search for their website online and join their mailing list (vie email OR postal mail) Normally they send out some pretty good coupons!!

 Ok, I'm sure I missed something above, but I'm moving on for now.
 Next question.. How do you have/make time?
HAHAHAHAHA I don't....I get told by my husband that all I do is sit around...and that he's tired of coupons. LOL... When I do go "couponing" it usually takes several hours... no matter if I go to rite-aid/cvs/target/harris teeter. I went to Harris teeter last night and spent almost 3 was BAD.. I was frustrated at the cashier, and tired..It was midnight before I got home...and of course I had to hear all about it from Jason when I got home..."it took you three hours to use 10 coupons" well he don't understand it was WAY more than 10 coupons and the lady had trouble doing coupons (I HATE newbie cashiers). He just don't know.
Do I enjoy this...UGH...I enjoy saving money for my family, that way I can stay home with my kids, I enjoy stocking up in one trip on something, so the next time I run out, all I have to do is dig in my storage.. BUT If you don't want to do this.... if you are rolling your eyes reading this, either thinking what a waste of time, or it shouldn't take that long..and it won't take me that long, or it can't be that hard, then you should just stop reading and don't even try. (yeah that sounds mean, but I don't think people realize how much time/effort/patience/ sanity someone has to have to do this.  When I am shopping I'm pretty good at figuring up my total before I check when I get to checkout and my total is wrong, I make them fix it (even if there are 10 people in line behind me) *yeah I'm that coupon lady you fuss about getting in line behind..LOL* So you have to be able to stand up for yourself..and sometimes it's pretty bad, the cashiers think they know what they are doing, and will argue with you... but I KNOW I'm right..LOL..You HAVE to have that attitude when you coupon shop!! (you can always just check out, pay and take it to the front desk and they will fix it..even days later)  again, I probably left out some things, but I'll get to it later.

Next question... How to you get SUCH GOOD DEALS??
 You HAVE to know what you are doing BEFORE you go!! You have to know the store, the coupons, the policy. and sometimes what you are going for, have all your coupons ready for that store and paper clipped together.

 Most stores will take 2 coupons per an item... a STORE coupon (ONLY good for that store) and a manufactures coupons (it will say it on the coupon) and IF you get lucky you can also use a coupon on your TOTAL purchase. Like Rites Aid has a $5 off $25, so you would need to use that one FIRST, before any other coupons, b/c most of the time your not going to spend $25 after all your other coupons come off. IF you forget to use it first, then you will either have to get a manager, or cancel your order and start ALL over again, which ALSO involves a manager =/

OH I forgot to mention its EMBARRASSING doing this too!!  In order to make sure your total is right, sometimes  you have to start all over, or get a  manager, and sometimes I spend more time checking out that I did getting the items.
Another thing I forgot..You can also get coupons from the attractions books case you don't know what that is... HERE it is.You can flip through an online copy and see exactly what you are getting.  You can buy them online or if you want to buy one locally, my mom sells them. Just let me know I can get you one.

Next question... How do you make it look so easy??
Do I?? Do I REALLY?? Ha ha ha!!! I'm stressed ALL the time, it's hard, it's time consuming, and it's frustrating! The MAIN thing that keeps me sane, is ORGANIZATION!! There are MANY ways of keeping your coupon organized...I personally have MANY boxes, folders, paperclips, ziplock bags. BUT you don't need to start out like that. A coupon binder will work, baseball card holder in a binder..anything simple to start out with. If you overwhelm yourself more than likely your not going to last long.  AND you have to "reorganize" your coupons often. Go through make sure there not expired, and all where they go so you can find them later. (later when I  have time I'll take pics and make it simple, show you easy ways of keeping your coupons organized) Now, you will get it all messed up the first time your looking for a coupon and can't find it..LOL.. HERE was the mess I had the other day. (if your not my friend on face book you prob won't be able to see that pic..sorry) =/  After me and a friend spent about 2 hours on that pile, I ended up with ONE box!! A LOT were expired. If you need to, get envelopes and label them for each store you go to, and when you get a trip ready, everything you need will be in there. (I also keep my store cards in there too)
OH and here is another thing. You have to have a store card for every store you go to. That will allow you to get the products at the sale price that is advertised!  I really don't buy much with out coupons...milk...eggs....dogfood (b/c those coupons are hard to find, and sams club don't take coupons) I use coupons for everything from toys to clothes to food. Printer ink...EVERYTHING!! If you know you are going to buy something that day, then search online for a coupon, more than likely there is one out there. It may take 10 minutes of searching..but if it's something BIG like a computer from bestbuy..there is ALWAYS coupons!! They are just hard to find sometimes!

RAIN CHECKS--- ARE your BEST friend!!! If a store is out of something... GET a rain check!!!  Most stores rain checks never expire. Sometimes they are limited quantity, so if you get a rain check for 1 or 3 and you know you want 2 or 6, if your driving by that store the next day, or the same day, maybe in the afternoon, then stop and get you another one. You CAN use coupons with rain checks!

JUST A QUICK NOTE-- The $5 off of $15 and the 20 % coupons from Bed Bath and Beyond..NEVER expire..even if they have an expiration!!! They will take them if there 6 years old..NO JOKE!!! and you can use the coupons on their clearance items!

Keep your coupons in the car with you everywhere you go. You never know when your going to need one!!!

So...the top things to remember!
1-ALWAYS use a coupon! (even if you have to research for it!!)
2-you can stack coupons (use more than one at certain stores) and make sure you use them in the right order!
3-stay organized!!
4-don't overdo it on the first trip or your first couples months of "couponing"--it'll make you NEVER want to do it again!!
5-find the deals BEFORE you go!
6-keep your coupons with you!

If you have any questions please leave a comment or message me on facebook.
I'll proof read this later, I'm tired and I just wanted to get this posted.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Here is the link to "Insist On Savings" facebook page (not like I get on there much...but you never know!!) Plus some other facebook pages that I find REALLY good deals and freebies from!!!

Click HERE  for Insist On Savings

ALL of these others I have personally LIKED and have on my facebook!!

MOJO savings 

Frugal Southern Living 

 Southern Savers

Money Saving Mom 

Free Stuff On Facebook 

Freebies 4 Mom 

Free samples 4 YOU 

For the Mommas 

Wicked Cool Deals 


Cuckoo For Coupon Deals 

We Use Coupons 

Free Sample Frenzy 

Free Samples 

Teen Freeway 


A Full Cup 

Free N Clear 


Carolina Couponer 

And last but definitely least! 


House party is exactly what it says...its a party at your house. You "apply" for these parties, and if your selected you get TONS of free goodies, to share with your friends and have a party with I have "won" TWO of them. It's GREAT and worth applying for!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to get REALLY kick butt stuff from marlboro!!! Cameras & Netbooks =)

First of all, I want to let everyone know what I have got (and still waiting on) from Marlboro. Coupons =) We've got playing cards, t shirts (with our own custom made designs) Flasks, etc. etc.. OK now to the good stuff...I got a RCA mini camcorder (80$ value!!) Cannon digital camera (that they sell at sams for 200$) and a Samsung Netbook (550$ value is what it says..) YES I got all of this FREE...TOTALLY FREE!!! Now I did have time and effort of trying to "win" these items... and when I say win, I don't mean I was the only person to get them, I mean that, when I get an item, if I do another account, they get that item to, so really, we got 3 mini camcorders (b/c we only had 3 accounts at the time), 4 cameras and 4 netbooks.. =) No thats not cheating, it's all under seperate names, I'm just nice and did it for them (well really my sister did most of the last one to win the netbooks and cameras)
SOOOOOO, I'm going to try to not bore you and just get straight on how to do this... but I want to explain something first... Each contest is different. With the camcorders all I had to do was log into each account and click three links EVERYDAY for 60 days, it' wasn't hard, but You couldn't miss many days to be able to win the top prize... there was many times at 11:45 that I had forgot about it and RUSHED to get all three accounts done by midnight. It was still worth it =)
NOW...with the cameras...we had 8 people, with this contest it let us split up in teams of 4 people...and only one person had to submit the answers...SOOOO for 10 weeks...we had 5 new questions a week, and those questions HAD to be answered by sunday (if we would have missed one we couldn't have went back) And these questions were HARD and FRUSTRATING!! BUT we stuck with it... we submitted the answers twice (once for each team) and EVERYONE on that team got the same amount of points...soooo The highest prize was the netbook (1600 points) and the camera was 1400. We were scared for a while that we wouldn't get the points...BUT we stuck it now I will tell you what to do to get this free stuff!

You must SAY that you are a smoker...(what do you think their going to do...blood test you!?!?!)
If you don't want the coupons, send them my way =)

2.Click on Register here
3.Type in your birthday and don't worry about the other two boxes below (you don't have to fill that out to register)
4.Continue to fill out your name, address etc. Don't worry about having to enter in your last 4 of your social or drivers l's numbers, it's just to make sure that you are 21+

Trust me this is SOOOOOOO worth it!!!!

Now Marlboro does new contest and unless you sign up with an email address from them you'll not know about it!! If there is anther contest with questions I'll make sure I start a post and keep all the answers for everyone else to have too =) I'm not greedy, I'll share my skills of getting free stuff =)

Anyways..if you have any questions just ask. I'll be happy to help you.

The new contest starts Feb 14th 2011!!!!!!! (from what I have been reading about it, your chance of winning isn't as good, with the other contests I have done, we ALL got the items, with this one, it looks like you'll be entered to win, but hey, I'll be giving you the answers...what are you loosing???

This is the free cannon camera. Powershot SX130.... SOOOOOO nice!! Check it out next time your at Sams Club!!! It came BEFORE Christmas and I was sooo happy b/c this was my Christmas gift to my motherNlaw =)

The other THREE just come today (Jan 16th 2011)..... This is MINE, my moms and my Sisters! =)

On the website it said we were gonna get a sx120 that was 10x but this one is a 12x =) So we got one step up =) Marlboro ROCKS!!!!!